Thursday, July 24, 2008


A little pissed about two things:

Number one, all we want to do is a rescue a pit bull and we cannot. No one in this town will rent to us. I've even put an ad out on Craigs List explaining the situation we would like to rent and had people contact me about it; then they appear to fall of the face of the planet and never return my calls or emails. Breed discrimination makes me want to punch the wall.

Second, when renting, I have to make sure to mention that I'm in a homosexual relationship. Why? Because these fucking right ring Christians think they know everything about the universe (sorry to burst your bubble, but God doesn't hate ANYONE much less people whose lives revolve around LOVE) and we can't risk stepping on any pure little toes. Fuck you people who hate gays. Get the fuck over yourself. What is your problem? Because one sentence in the Bible says men shouldn't fuck each other? Got news for ya. Men fucking each other in those days wasn't good for breeding, because it didn't make babies and exploit women. So, as the Christians do, they made some rules, said they were from God and voila, you have social control. Christ, get with it. What would Jesus do? HANG OUT WITH SOCIAL PARIAHS, AND THAT INCLUDES GAY PEOPLE, THAT IS WHAT JESUS WOULD DO.

Have you ever had to keep your mouth shut in front of coworkers, family, new friends, and the general outside world because you might be discriminated against for being in love with someone?

At first I wrote "Sorry about that," but I guess this post is a lot about discrimination and there's no way in hell I'm apologizing for being angry about it. If you're Christian and you're okay with homos, do the right thing and don't be offended by this post. If you are, I still won't apologize. 


August said...

Is there any sort of queer advocacy group or safe space in or near Bend somewhere? It might be worth it to find out.

vtindievet said...

Please, whatever you do, don't move to the South - lots o' gay bashing here. And I'm not even in the Bible belt. :/

P.S. I'm Christian, a homo-lover and not offended. ;)