Monday, July 14, 2008

School? Again?

Well, I just sat down and did all the financial b-crap that goes along with returning to school, and I can't possibly believe I went to school the first time. I obviously didn't read any of the fine print and obviously didn't know what I was getting myself into - or I would have majored in something like accounting, or.. well whatever else makes money. Computer science. Math. Something awful that probably would have made me drop out of college and get some job at a local supermarket, where I would have worked my way up the corporate ladder by now to manager and could be making an easy $30 grand a year by now. Tell me again why I went to college? Yes, yes, writing a thesis and seeing how much beer I could consume before a coma and playing IM sports, all good experiences, whoopty-fucking-do. Now I have a degree that can't get me a job and I'm well over $40,000 in debt. So excuse me for sounding a smidge bitter about that All-American Dream. 

Don't confuse me by thinking I'm obsessed with money, that's certainly not my goal. But I did just spend a winter worrying every moment of every day how the hell I was going to pay bills and get by. Granted, I did, but I probably took a good 5 years of my life expectancy through worry alone. Now I'm just about setting myself up for the same scenario, by borrowing another $9k and relegating the majority of my working hours to sitting in a classroom. This isn't like the first time. They won't pay all my rent and for all my food. They won't pay my gas.

I guess I'm a little concerned too because I wasn't struck by massage therapy lightening. Just over time, from working for a former massage therapist and having therapeutic massages myself, I started thinking about it and figured it might be a good business move for myself and my future. With Anthropology and wildlife and even Native American spirituality, my whole spirit did a little dance on the inside and I knew those things were right for me. That hasn't happened with massage therapy and I'm nervous. 

But, when I do the little muscle-test/kinesiology thing with my hands, I get a consistent answer that I'll become a massage therapist, and that I'll be good at it. I'll just go with that.

1 comment:

vtindievet said...

I to this day have reservations about becoming a vet - and I'm less than a year away about becoming a doctor. The uncertainties about my future happiness in the profession, financial stability as well as the overwhelming fear of inadequacy as a medical provider will eat me alive if I dwell on them. I've just thrown myself in, and let it ride. And I think that's what you should do with massage school. I certainly think you would enjoy the profession and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping others - and after all, isn't that what we all want?

As for undergraduate education, I've come to realize that it is nothing more than a capitalist venture. Looking back, I feel that it was just a waste of time and money. We have so many vets from foreign countries here as interns, residents and clinicians and guess what - they go right into vet school (or whatever professional degree they choose) right out of high school. No BS/BA bullshit. PLUS, I asked one of the Australian residents how much school cost him - a whopping 5K a year. This final year ALONE is costing me 40K. When it is all said and done, I have estimated that the grand total for all 8 years of college will be ~ $150,000. That is why I (along with many other of my colleagues) have to go back home to live with Mommy and Daddy after being on our own for all this time. Going straight from school to school to school has left us with zero savings so what choice is there? God Bless America.

Venting aside, I think you are making a good choice and just need to throw yourself into it and go for it. I think you'll thank yourself in the long run.

<3, Stumpy