Thursday, April 22, 2010


This post is really nothing more than a shameless plea for you, the reader, to leave feedback. I only keep this blog for three reasons: to connect to friends & family, to connect to complete strangers who share my ideals, and to keep a semi-log of things I do with my life. I can do that last one in a book that no one else gets to read, but I LIKE connecting to other people.

Now, I've noticed that my blog gets 10-15 new hits every other day or so and yet no one leaves any feedback. I'm considering tossing the blog since it takes up a lot of time and I'm not really making that connection I want to make. So this is my shameless plea, asking you to leave comments about whatever my posts bring up for you, or at least to (like it) or (respectfully disagree).

I know. It's shameless. But I'm okay with shameless at this point in my life. In fact, shame distracts entirely too many people from enjoying their lives. I've also found that sometimes, when you get the courage, saying what you need or want gets you exactly that.

So. Please?

And, thanks.


Tiara said...


I already read your blog entries in my RSS feed, so you wouldn't see the hits from me since I rarely physically visit. There may be others who also read your blog that way but you may not realize it.

I appreciate the fact that you blog because a) it's you and I like you and I like to know what's going on with you, b) it's educational.


Girl in the Dirt said...

Haha, thanks babe :) I hadn't considered that, but I still demand that people give me some feedback on things I put up so I know what directions to continue towards (and which directions to toss). Otherwise what's the point! :) Glad you're keeping tabs.

Willow said...

I always get excited when I see you have a new blog post link on your facebook status. (Ugh - did I just say that? I feel way to tech reliant, like a 13 year old girl who can't get off twitter and put down her cell phone.) My day is brightened when I read about all the amazing stuff you are doing and thinking. Gardening, cooking, crafting, teaching people about nature, getting pissed off at society...all those things I would like to do if I had the talent and/or energy. It's creepy sometimes to see how alike you and I think. And it makes me feel connected to read about it, even if I am doing it on a computer on the other side of a mountain range and I haven't seen or talked to you in at least a month. So as much as I hate to substitute computer screens and other technology for person to person connection, it works. Don't stop. :)

Girl in the Dirt said...

Willow, you rock my socks. Thanks! :) You always say we think so much alike - maybe you should keep a blog so I can read all YOUR deep dark thoughts >:)

Unknown said...

Just recently found your blog, and I like it! I'm into gardening and crafts too, and we're moving to Bend soon so I wanted to read about some people who live there. Found your site through the Bend blogs page. Thanks!