Thursday, July 29, 2010


I'm sure I'm blowing this way out of proportion. I'm sure it's nothing. But I'm still annoyed.

Today I mustered the gusto to go to the gym after work. Whilst getting a drink from the water fountain, I noticed a legal-sized questionnaire entitled, "Application to Date (Gym Owner)'s Daughter." What followed were a list of questions and mildly entertaining multiple choice questions such as, "How long do you think it would take me to bury your body?"

In the section of personal questions like birthdate and social security number, one question asked something about parents. The following query is what caught my attention: "Is one male and one female? Y___ N___" Below that, "If "No," explain: _____________."

Now, it wasn't like it said, "I hate homosexuals." But that, combined with the "Can I pray for you? (just ask)" tshirts that they sell at the desk and the fact that Fox News is on 24 hours a day on at least one television, all comes together to put a bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention the maker of said application isn't particularly pleasant when you have to interact with him.

One of the gym monkeys that works there saw me looking at it and laughed out loud. "That's great, isn't it?" says he. I wrinkle my brow and reply, "Actually I find some of this offensive." He asked what and I told him, explaining that "not everyone hates gays." He replied, "Well, those are just his beliefs." I placed the application back in its holder, said, "Well, this is public place and people pay to be here," and stalked off like an angry housecat. My headphones were still in so I didn't hear what he said, but I was so aggravated I cut my workout short and left.

Maybe it's meaningless and maybe the gym monkey was right - the owner does own the gym and who's to say he can't publicly display his conservative ignorance? I just don't remember signing something in my membership agreement that said so.

This probably wouldn't have aggravated me so much except for watching this video last night about a young girl completely rejected by her family because she doesn't agree with some of the views held by the Westboro Baptist Church (the people that picket funerals of gay people with signs that say "God Hates Fags"). After watching this video, I sat back for a second and pictured myself at an event where they people were picketing. Although it takes a great deal for me to become violent, I almost immediately pictured myself attacking someone, holding onto their hair until I was dragged off by others. This is a group of people that could make a relatively peaceful person hatefully, hatefully violent. Watch the video and maybe you'll understand.

Anyway. Maybe the whole gym thing isn't a big deal, but it annoyed me. As though if you had two parents which were not one-male/one-female, there would be a need to explain.


L. Ottaviano said...

Good for you for saying something to the gym jockey. Frequently I will see something like that, which isn't totally blatant, but still strikes me the wrong way. It isn't until later that I think to myself that I should have said something. I have some stickers from which read "This insults girls" and "This insults everyone". I always am looking for somewere to stick one of those and I think you just discovered it.

Girl in the Dirt said...

That's awesome! What a great idea for introverted activism. And thanks for the comments - usually I'm way too chicken to be confrontational like that, but I guess because my blood was pumping from doing cardio, I had a little more courage!

August said...

ARG. Good on you for saying something. The whole application thing is obnoxious anyway (the insinuation, even "jokingly," that the owner's daughter is his property and therefore anyone interested in acquiring said property needs to fill out an application like you would for a fucking car is gross) but the blatant heterosexism is the fucking cherry on top.

I love the idea of those stickers, though. I want some!

Girl in the Dirt said...

I saw a girl on Etsy that used to make buttons that said, "Ban Republican Marriage" when Prop 8 was a hot topic. Maybe I should wear one on the ass of my gym shorts?