Thursday, June 10, 2010


Terry Tempest-Williams is, hands down, one of the most amazing women I've ever had the pleasure to be in the same room with. Tonight I attended her lecture here in Central Oregon and she blew me away. Her sincerity, compassion, sensitivity, and ability to observe are so inspirational. I've read her books Red and Refuge, and picked up her latest one at the lecture tonight, Finding Beauty in a Broken World. I can't wait to dive in. If you haven't read Terry, be prepared for love, spirit, brokenness, and a connection to the earth that us granola-eating hippies can only dream of. Okay, well, I don't eat granola, but you get what I mean.

I'm staying with my friend Heather for a little while, and last night we went to Safeway at 10pm for ice cream. On our way out, Heather bumped into a friend of hers and they started chatting. As I usually do, I continued on my way out the door and entertained myself until she was finished. Heather and her friends are beyond cool - they're independent, involved in important things, are free, and have a serious amount of fun. They're who I aspire to be. So, intimidated, I shy away from contact with them for the most part. I feel like the chubby nerd in the class that dresses like crap and is too wrapped up inside her own brain. So Heather comes out and says, "You're never going to make any friends if you walk away."


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