Tuesday, May 18, 2010

things I did today.

Thing #1.
Okay, so I've just lied to you right off the bat. I actually planted this little herb-garden-in-training yesterday, but it felt stupid to say, "things I did today and yesterday." Anyway. Our first herb garden! Now I feel really domestic. Soon I'll be baking meat pies and whole turkeys with stuff crammed in them.

A triangular herb garden built out of scrap wood by a friend. 

Three types of basil, chives, and nasturtiums (edible flowers).

Thing #2.
Duct-taped my credit card up and shoved into a little-used drawer. (This may appear ridiculous but the last time I did it, I didn't use it for two months. Until I needed food.)

Thing #3.
Scored a sweet set of vintage (or, vintage-looking) drinking glasses.

All in all, a good day.


August said...

Duct taping my credit card would not work for me, considering the fact that I've memorized my number. :-/

Yay for herb gardens! That's on my list of things to do this year.

aoxomoxdolla said...

hey cool basil!! where'd you get it? i grew mine from seed, i had no idea it could come in PURPLE hehe neat~