Tuesday, December 23, 2008

things I am noticing right now.

I am annoyed and distracted by the scratches on my computer screen and equally annoyed that I cannot find an effective way to clean it.

I am noticing that I always have a million things I want to do on the internet, but when I get to the internet, I manage to forget all of them. 

At the moment, a man that I assume is Indian in ethnicity (as in India) sitting across from me in Panera Bread keeps trying to make small talk. I am being polite (moreso than I probably would have been prior to moving to the West Coast) and entertaining his questions, but they are many and random. For example:
"Have you ever been outside of the country?"
"Do you speak any other languages?"
"What do you think is the cleanest country?"

These are punctuated with long silences where, I imagine, he is trying to think of the next way to start conversation. He also made it a point early on to let me know that it's a shame that Baltimore had to lose someone as beautiful as myself. To me this seems to be natural Indian charm - I was waiting from the get go for him to suggest that we exchange information and, true to my instincts, he did just that. Fortunately for my little West Coast "I like to sit and ruminate quietly with my computer in public places" brain, a friend of his has shown up and I am free to ruminate. 

Problem is.. I've forgotten all the things I wanted to do.

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