Saturday, August 23, 2008


Is my current life evidence that I need constant adult supervision? And what I mean by that is Erin needs to come home ASAP.

Our attempt at camping out with the kids was a total disaster. The spot chosen was on the other side of the mountains in the Willamette forest, which is essentially a Pacific Northwest rain forest (I think) - so, of course, it was raining. And it was cold and gusty. We opted not to stay there, but the truck carrying the camping equipment and all of our food broke down and, currently, is still sitting on the side of the mountain. I thought perhaps to find a spot on the east side of the mountains, in the high desert, but then realized that our food would be rendered useless to us as campfires are prohibited at this time of year and our food relied on a campfire.

So the kids ended up coming back to my apartment. I put down a tarp because they'd been running through the muddy woods for hours, and we popped in Lord of the Rings. One of the kids passed out, but then later proceeded to sleepwalk into the bathroom and piss all over the floor. Besides that, all the other boys (who were all at least 8 years old) managed to miss the giant toilet hole and sprinkle the seat or floor as well. I would think at that age kids could manage, but I guess when you're in someone else's house it doesn't matter if you piss on the seat (or elsewhere). The next morning another boy pissed his pants (thank God for the tarp). 

Can you say, "Birth control"? Because I can.

So yesterday was my last day of work, and I'm trying not to think about the fact that I am now officially unemployed. This morning, I woke up at 3:30am and looked in the mirror to find my right eye swollen, red, and pooping out all kinds of gunk. Good. Pink eye. I took an allergy pill to see if that would magically work and I'm happy to report that it hasn't gotten any worse - yet. I'm considering calling a doctor, but when you don't have health insurance the cost is outrageous just to have a doc look at your face and go, "Yup, pink eye. Here's a prescription." I wonder if some diluted soap in the ol' peeper would do the trick.

On the bright side, I'm going to get a massage today, going to IKEA tomorrow which will hopefully alleviate some of my apartment-clutter woes, and in less than one month my mother is coming out here to visit. We'll hopefully be taking a trip to Crater Lake and a variety of other fun local spots. 

I need a nap.

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