Monday, June 30, 2008


Car trouble. So close to vision quest and yet so far away. Take the car that's acting iffy, or take the hassle of a bus and have to drive three hours on top of the 7 on the bus upon returning?

I don't know what I'm expecting from vision quest. I'm hoping for direction. I'm hoping to be still, to hear, to come down from this high vibration that I'm always functioning on. I want to become a slower wave of energy, to have my feet touch the ground firmly. To remember confidence. To remember how to plow through life with vigor and self-assurance, even if I'm not sure what I'm heading for. I feel like a flower with wilted petals, retracting towards its center for protection. What will it take?

1 comment:

August said...

Ugh. This is the Cavalier that's having issues?