Friday, August 6, 2010


Here's irony for you. I'm blogging on my other blog, but stop to add a post to this blog, because, well, I think one day I'll look back at these posts and smile. Or maybe not, who the hell knows.

I just needed to say that no matter what's going on, no matter how horrible life can be, there are always these tiny shining moments that fill your heart up with love so big it feels like it's going to burst.

What's my moment? What's the cause for saying such things?

It's this four-legged, Frito-smelling beast that has his head smashed up against my ass, twitching in puppy dreams, and - the best part - snoring like an old man. And I am so overwhelmed with love and joy right now that I'm having a hard time not crying. Thanks, Whatever You Are Out There.

Universe: 1, me: 0

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