Wednesday, February 17, 2010

new year.

Everyone says January is the new year, but what I've learned from studying indigenous traditions is that the new year begins more so in the spring. Surviving a winter and making it to spring was how time was recorded, therefore I'd be 26 winters old, not 26 'years' old.

This year I'm determined to work on manifesting some very solid things into my life: a better experience of self-sufficiency, a supplemental income based on my handicrafts, and saving a shitload of money with which I will squander when the opportunity arises.

Right now I'm focusing on the Wildflower Show. Each year the Nature Center puts on a huge wildflower show and since I'm the right-hand lady of the NC's manager, I get a fair amount of play in what happens. Which means that I order all the plants, organize volunteers, and help choose retail items. Sounds boring, but I can't tell you what a thrill it gives me to order nearly $1000 worth of plants. I'm ecstatic this year because I've just made two great contacts, a lady who collects native wildflower seed for a living and another lady who is a medicinal plant goddess. Instead of this year's Wildflower Show just being a nice place for old ladies to come look at plants, I want it to be a real resource for the public. I want information about pollinators (and how to support them), edible and medicinal properties of native plants, and a million other things I can't think of right now. For years it seems like the Wildflower Show has been a nice, quiet little event that mainly attracts aging gardeners. I'm determined to make it something else. I want to attract the younger generation and people who aren't interested only in gardening, but in sustaining the earth.

Ok, I could go on for hours about it but that's where I'm at right now, getting the gears cranking. If you're in Oregon and you're interested in the Wildflower Show, it's usually the second weekend in June for three days. Drop me a comment and I'll get in touch with you on it. I would recommend you to our website but it's a joke and not really worth looking at.

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