Sunday, October 5, 2008

bad winter.

I don't know why fall makes me feel so
well, I don't know

the colors are stronger and the air is colder and it 
moves and pushes and swirls
a rejoicing in the death of all the green things
spinning them in circles, up from the ground
dancing and dragging across asphalt with that sound
the crackling of a fire or
the crashing of the waves.

celebrating, because death is happening all the time
while we're alive and we pretend it's not there
so a little secret part of me
is grateful that someone, something 
is celebrating death, so it's not so scary.

and I wonder, always here I wonder
at this time, I wonder
wrapped in warm things,
did I lose you when I wasn't looking?

they say it was a bad winter
they say it was a lot of ice
they say it and shake their heads when they say it
and it was a bad winter
I was in a bad way, the storms had stopped my movement
it was a bad winter in my head, behind my eyes
it was a miracle I was still alive
it was a bad winter, they said

and during that bad winter
when you fed me, bathed me, stroked my hair
did I use up all your love for me
in that bad winter?
concentrate it into one eternally long season
and dry up the reservoir, empty it out before our time?

it's here again, the just-before time
and the prayers on everyone's silent lips
especially mine
are whispering that they hope, I hope
this winter will be a good winter.

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