Monday, April 12, 2010

The Life Binder (DIY "Craft" #2.)

If you're like me, you collect small bits of paper and stacks of magazines because, you suspect, somewhere down the road you'll need them. Or want them. Mostly, you'll just want them. Maybe you hate getting rid of ticket stubs. Maybe you can't part with a magazine because it has one or two articles (or photos) that you really love. Maybe you take the next step and tear out those articles, and triumphantly throw the rest of that magazine into the recycling bin.

Now you have your four sheets of paper...that don't fit into ANY OTHER file, folder, envelope, or category of crap in your home. In fact, if you're like me, you probably are a closet collector of these sheafs. Maybe you throw in the occasional paint chip, funny photo, or cut-out of something-from-a-catalog-you-want-but-will-you-ever-buy-it?-who-knows.

If you do any of this, then you're definitely like me.

Solution? The Life Binder.

I literally had a stack of shit just hanging around and finally got fed up with it. Go to Target, a thrift store, or your garage and find yourself a binder. (If you collect a lot of scraps like me, aim for a binder that's larger than 1".) Make sure it's pretty, and if not, paste some of the crap you've been collecting (but probably will never use for that scrapbook or "gift" for someone else) all over it. Make it fun, like your personal Bible, that you'll return to often. You can hole punch, or, for more protection, purchase a box of plastic sheet protectors. I say a box, because, well, you'll be surprised at how fast you run out of them.

Here's my Life Binder (scary how it matches my sofa):

It's lovely, simple, and I now I LOVE saving scraps of crap (whereas I used to feel overwhelming guilt because my poor girlfriend had to see the stacks lying all over the house - and I looked like a hoarder). My binder contains postcards that I buy and have no use for (I certainly can't send them, they're too sentimental), scrapbooking pages in colors that I love, newspaper clippings, and now, for the most part, articles & photos that I tear out of DIY/home decorating magazines. (Yay for cutting down on all those magazines!) Also, clips of things from catalogs that one day I might buy but in the meantime I can think about making my own version. (Right. See, I don't make this stuff up.) Furthermore, bits of poetry and short stories that have nowhere else to live, but in the LIFE BINDER!

I know this is a little silly, since we're all adults and, well, we don't need to be told to go buy a binder and put all our shit in it. The thing is I never really thought about it until I bought this binder with no plan for it (just loved the colors and it's made from recycled paper) and when I got it home, realized there was a perfect solution to my piles-around-the-house and glares-from-my-girlfriend. Sure, you could make a scrapbook, but, really, this is so much less work. :)

Thanks for reading! 

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